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Blockchain Dynasty Family Trust - The Embassy Shield

How Free Are You?


The Illusion of Choice and the Entrepreneur's Battle Against a Rigged System​​


In a world where political divisions are growing wider and louder, one thing remains constant: freeloaders will always vote for those who promise them the most "free" stuff. Governments worldwide have mastered the art of selling dreams of "Lala Land"—promising prosperity, equality, and security—but in reality, these are nothing more than cleverly disguised traps. The truth is, no politician has your best interests at heart; they only care about securing their seat of power, making you more dependent on the system every step of the way.


The Real Question: How Free Are You?


The freedom we like to believe in is, more often than not, a mirage. From the moment you’re born, the system is rigged against you. The more you succeed, the more the government finds ways to take what you’ve earned. The middle-class worker and budding entrepreneur face the worst of this—caught between those who benefit from government “gifts” and the elite who have the power and connections to navigate the legal loopholes.


Politicians rely on this divide to stay in power. By throwing crumbs to the masses, they secure votes from the freeloaders, while quietly ensuring that the true wealth and opportunities remain out of reach for the small guy. And if you think your hard-earned assets will go untouched, just wait until the Inheritance Tax Trap hits your family. It's a brilliant, calculated move: you work your entire life, only for a massive portion of your estate to be taken by the government after you’re gone. They’ll tell you it's "for the good of society," but the reality is that it's all designed to screw over the small guy while protecting those at the top.


Entrepreneurship: The Last Line of Defense


A true entrepreneur, however, knows better. They understand that no politician will ever "save them" or work for their interests. The entrepreneur's battle is not just about building wealth—it's about defending that wealth from an increasingly predatory system designed to strip them of their success.


This isn’t just about taxes or regulations; it’s about the fundamental freedom to control your own destiny. The system is built to enslave people through debt, dependency, and taxation, promising equality and fairness while perpetuating a modern form of slavery. The key to survival in this landscape is to embrace independence—through alternative systems like blockchain technology, decentralized finance, and innovative Blockchain Dynasty Family Trust structures that allow entrepreneurs to shield their assets from a rigged system.


Governments: The Ultimate Freeloaders


Government handouts are not gifts—they are chains. Every "free" service or benefit comes with a cost: your freedom. Governments, while pretending to offer solutions, are the ultimate freeloaders, feeding off the productivity of their citizens. They create a dependent class of voters who will support any politician who promises more “free” benefits, all while increasing control over every aspect of life.


This dependency is dangerous. As more citizens accept government aid, fewer people are motivated to take control of their own lives. The entrepreneurs, the risk-takers, and the wealth builders are the ones left carrying the burden. And if you're a small business owner or an investor, you know this all too well.


The system isn't broken—it’s working exactly as it was designed. But its design is not in favor of the creators, the innovators, or the builders. It’s structured to keep you dependent, taxed, and under the thumb of bureaucrats.


What’s the Solution?


Entrepreneurs need to stop waiting for salvation from a political savior. No matter who sits in any "White House" or "Presidential Palace" — no one is coming to "save you" The decline has been decades in the making, carefully orchestrated by those who benefit from it. If you want to protect your assets, your family, and your future, you must take matters into your own hands.


Here’s how:


Diversify Your Assets: Take advantage of technologies like blockchain to decentralize your wealth. Move away from traditional systems that can seize or tax your assets at will.


Establish Trusts and Alternative Structures: Protect your estate through offshore trusts, blockchain trusts, and other legal mechanisms that allow you to retain control over your wealth and reduce exposure to predatory taxes like inheritance and capital gains.


Invest in Yourself: Governments want you dependent on them because it keeps you controlled. Instead, invest in your own knowledge, skills, and independence. Entrepreneurship is about more than just making money—it's about securing freedom.


Exit the System Where Possible: Look for opportunities to reduce your reliance on government-controlled systems. Whether that means seeking tax-friendly jurisdictions, minimizing your exposure to fiat currency, or creating a plan for true financial independence, it's time to think beyond the borders and bureaucracies.


Question Everything: The first step toward true freedom is understanding that much of what you've been told about "society" and "government" is a lie. The system is not there to protect you—it's there to control you. Wake up, take action, and refuse to be another pawn in their game.


Final Thought: Own Your Freedom


The sad truth is, most people are too brainwashed to see the trap closing in around them. They are comforted by the illusion of security that government promises, blind to the freedoms they lose in exchange. But the true entrepreneur, the one who understands the game, knows that freedom doesn’t come from a government, a politician, or a law. It comes from within—from the relentless pursuit of independence, control over your own assets, and the refusal to let anyone else dictate your future.


Ask yourself: How free are you? The answer might shock you. But the time to change it is now.



Ready to secure your future?


Contact me directly for personalized guidance on how our blockchain trusts can protect your assets, or share your thoughts about our platform. We’re here to ensure your success and a future of unparalleled security—securing a lasting legacy for your children and grandchildren!



Warmest regards,








Stephan Schurmann
Chairman and CEO
Blockchain International Corporate Registry Authority


Founder & Chairman: World Blockchain Bank




​“The secret of success is to own nothing but control everything”

Stephan Schurmann, CEO of Blockchain International Corporate Registry Authority


Millions of Entrepreneurs Are Liquidated Yearly While Others Keep Struggling!

Securing Your Wealth with Blockchain Trusts - By Stephan Schurmann
Free To Read & Share: The Inheritance Tax Trap - By Stephan Schurmann
How Free Are You? - By Stephan Schurmann
Blockchain International Corporate Registry Authority-Mission-Vision

Global Challenges for Entrepreneurs


The fact you’ve dedicated endless hours and money building a "government compliant" business, only to face a staggering tax bill of 35%, 40%, or even 58% is enough to send your business under.


Such a financial hit kills your capacity to reinvest in growth, stalling business acceleration and diminishing opportunities. So bad it is that you lose the lifestyle you deserve, then the ability to explore additional investments are compromised, making tax optimization a crucial strategy for sustained success.


If the above sounds familiar, we’ve built something different to sustain your business globally - A PROFOUND SOLUTION FOR GLOBAL IMPACT AND SUSTAINANCE!






Our Vision


To empower 2.5 billion unbanked people and young entrepreneurs worldwide with cutting-edge and low-cost digital payment and trading facilities, secure online banking, and serve as a global registration center for decentralized Blockchain Companies, LLC's, Blockchain Banks & Trusts.


Traditional banks as we know them today started to dominate the financial services industry around the 14th century.


It took some 700 years to disrupt old traditions and bring true change to the industry.  The DeFi Fintech Revolution has only started but even the old traditional banks have now realized (some a bit too late) that they can choose to get onboard or to meet the fate of the dinosaurs.


At Blockchain Trust we live and breathe financial and blockchain technology. We develop our own Fintech ideas from scratch in addition to assisting early-stage companies to realize their dreams and turn their vision into global success stories. We are patient, but not patient enough to wait until tomorrow for tomorrow’s technology and UX.


Are you ready for tomorrow?


Let’s go there together today!

Blockchain International Corporate Registry Authority-Mission-Vision
Blockchain International Corporate Registry Authority-Mission-Vision



Promoting the growth and development of decentralized payment technologies, as well as registering decentralized Blockchain Corporations, LLC's, Banks & Trusts within the Ethereum & Polygon Network, providing world-class infrastructure and modern payment technologies to assist global clientele with their day-to-day lives and their business expansion plans.


Giving our members the advanced payment options they've been clamoring for will generate new, successful revenue streams and create a social impact across the world.




  • Transparency

  • Efficiency

  • Integrity

  • Honesty

Blockchain International Corporate Registry Authority-Mission-Vision
Blockchain International Corporate Registry Authority-Mission-Vision



Promoting the interests of members in the fields of law, asset protection, estate planning, trusts and wealth management using Blockchain Technology.


Digital Asset Management services, Custodian & Fiduciary services, the use of Blockchain Technology to Issue and Track Shares as well as to register Blockchain companies on the Ethereum and Polygon Network.


To exploit, buy, sell, hold, trade or invest into Digital assets, patents, licenses, know-how & rights of intellectual property, all secured by the latest Blockchain smart contracts.


To perform all kind of industrial, financial, or commercial investment banking fund and business activities.


To act as worldwide Corporate Registrar for Blockchain Companies, enabling global entrepreneurs to strategically position their digital assets and company registrations on the Blockchain.

Every Entrepreneur Needs Asset Protection


Data from the US Census Bureau shows that an average of 4 million businesses are started every year. Worldwide the number is approx. 472 million new businesses each year.


On the contrast, number of business insolvencies in the world has been increasing since 2019. In 2020, there were approximately 1.4 million business insolvencies worldwide.



Blockchain International Corporate Registry Authority-Mission-Vision



I had been searching in vain for a digital trust, or more properly a lawyer competent in digital trust technology. My difficulties were immediately solved by landing on the Blockchain Trust website.


This had a lot of quality content, I knew then that the Blockchain Trust product was exactly what I was looking for. Stephan (the President) sent a courtesy email, I explained my needs and Stephan immediately provided assistance and clarified everything.


Instinctively I wanted to become involved in this venture as I could see its wide appeal, it could help people everywhere. I joined Stephan as a Founder Partner and Reseller, receiving my own Blockchain Trust into the bargain.


The entire transaction is simple and straightforward and it really did take less than 30 minutes. Customer Service is second to none and I encourage everybody to safeguard their assets and financial future with Blockchain Trust.


Carl Davies - Master Licensee for United Kingdom


Blockchain Trust UK


Brokers Building

95 Victoria Road

Great Crosby

L23 7XY

United Kingdom


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